Final Score: Denver 9, Minn-Duluth 1
Attendance: 2875
Referee: Derek Shepherd
Assistant Referee: Tim Swiader
Assistant Referee: Greg Rockenback
Minn-Duluth Lineup: |
Denver Lineup: |
1st Period:
DEN 08:27 Mark Rycroft (Jordan Bianchin, Bryce Wallnutt)
DEN 09:29 PP Mark Rycroft (Kelly Popadynetz, Bjorn Engstrom)
DEN 13:18 Joe Ritson (Jon Newman, Chris Paradise)
MND 13:49 Jeff Scissons (Derek Derow, Colin Anderson)
2nd Period:
DEN 03:48 Bjorn Engstrom (Joe Ritson, Jon Newman)
DEN 05:50 PP Kelly Popadynetz (Bjorn Engstrom, Jon Newman)
3rd Period:
DEN 11:09 Jon Newman
DEN 12:54 David Neale (Joe Casey, Jesse Cook)
DEN 15:26 PP Joe Casey (Judd Stauss, Chris Paradise)
DEN 18:59 PP Mark Rycroft (Jesse Cook, J.J. Hartmann)
Minn-Duluth Goaltending:
1st | 2nd | 3rd | Total | Minutes | |
Rob Anderson | 15 | 3 | 5 | 23 | 52:54 |
Jason Gregoire | 0 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 7:06 |
Denver Goaltending:
1st | 2nd | 3rd | Total | Minutes | |
Wade Dubielewicz | 10 | 9 | 8 | 27 | 60:00 |
Minn-Duluth Power-Play: 0/7
Denver Power-Play: 4/6
1st Period:
MND 09:02 Shawn Pogreba (2 - Tripping)
DEN 16:23 David Neale (2 - Slashing)
MND 18:05 Jon Francisco (2 - Slashing)
DEN 19:47 Joe Ritson (2 - Elbowing)
2nd Period:
DEN 03:48 Aaron MacKenzie (2 - Unsportsmanlike Conduct)
MND 03:48 Judd Medak (2 - Roughing)
MND 05:18 Andy Reierson (2 - Holding the Stick)
DEN 08:27 Mark Rycroft (2 - Roughing)
DEN 08:58 Aaron MacKenzie (2 - Cross-Checking)
MND 08:58 Jeff Scissons (2 - Cross-Checking)
DEN 15:08 David Neale (2 - Tripping)
DEN 17:42 Aaron MacKenzie (2 - Interference)
3rd Period:
DEN 01:51 Greg Barber (2 - Slashing)
DEN 01:51 Jon Newman (2 - Unsportsmanlike Conduct)
MND 01:51 Mark Carlson (2 - Unsportsmanlike Conduct)
MND 05:19 Jeff Scissons (2 - Hooking)
DEN 07:38 Bryce Wallnutt (2 - Holding the Stick)
DEN 13:47 Erik Adams (2 - Roughing)
MND 13:47 John Conboy (2 - Cross-Checking)
MND 13:47 John Conboy (2 - Roughing)
MND 18:53 Jeff Scissons (2 - Boarding)
Minn-Duluth Penalties: 10 for 20
Denver Penalties: 11 for 22
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