Minnesota State Mavericks (Women)
 2015-2016 Team Statistics
 2015-2016 Schedule & Results
 2015-2016 Roster
 2015-2016 Team Statistics (Text)
 2014-2015 Team Statistics

Scoring Overall - 36 GP (3-29-4 .139) Conference Only - 28 GP (0-25-3 .054) Career
10 Katie Johnson F SR 33 5 16 21 7/14 1 0 1 -18 112 25 3 9 12 3/6 1 0 0 -20 89 137 10 26 36
17 Hannah Davidson F SO 34 8 9 17 8/16 2 1 1 -12 61 26 6 3 9 7/14 2 1 0 -16 42 66 14 18 32
4 Emily Antony F FR 36 6 10 16 2/4 1 0 0 -22 37 28 6 9 15 1/2 1 0 0 -19 28 36 6 10 16
5 Anna Keys D SO 36 2 11 13 18/36 0 0 0 -25 61 28 1 9 10 14/28 0 0 0 -26 42 71 5 14 19
6 Jordan McLaughlin F FR 34 5 5 10 5/21 0 0 0 -15 30 28 4 5 9 2/4 0 0 0 -14 29 34 5 5 10
12 Anna-Maria Fiegert D JR 30 4 6 10 5/10 3 0 0 -27 36 24 3 6 9 5/10 2 0 0 -26 30 97 4 14 18
7 Lindsey Coleman F SO 36 2 6 8 5/10 0 0 0 -9 29 28 2 6 8 4/8 0 0 0 -3 25 70 3 8 11
29 Amanda Conway F SO 34 5 2 7 10/20 0 0 0 -14 59 26 4 2 6 7/14 0 0 0 -15 42 68 7 6 13
11 Corbin Boyd F FR 26 2 5 7   0 0 0 -16 38 21 1 3 4   0 0 0 -17 29 26 2 5 7
15 Elin Johansson F SO 27 5 1 6 8/16 0 0 1 -3 42 21 2 1 3 6/12 0 0 0 -6 25 59 8 4 12
27 Lena Düsterhöft D FR 30 2 3 5 4/8 0 0 0 -1 29 25 2 2 4 4/8 0 0 0 -3 23 30 2 3 5
3 Savannah Quandt F JR 36 3 1 4 7/14 1 0 0 -20 34 28 2 1 3 6/12 1 0 0 -18 26 108 6 1 7
23 Amanda Martin F SO 36 2 2 4 3/6 1 0 0 -23 36 28 2 2 4 3/6 1 0 0 -20 23 72 2 6 8
18 Megan Hinze D FR 22 1 3 4   1 0 0 -8 20 18 1 2 3   1 0 0 -8 15 22 1 3 4
16 Steph Keryluk F FR 34 1 2 3 5/10 1 0 0 -23 32 26 1 2 3 3/6 1 0 0 -18 25 34 1 2 3
13 Leila Kilduff D FR 27 1 1 2 6/12 1 0 0 -15 19 19 1 1 2 4/8 1 0 0 -13 10 27 1 1 2
20 Emma Wittchow D SO 35 0 2 2 5/10 0 0 0 -25 8 27 0 1 1 4/8 0 0 0 -23 6 68 1 3 4
8 Sara Bustad D JR 36 0 2 2 18/36 0 0 0 -15 29 28 0 1 1 12/24 0 0 0 -13 17 72 1 4 5
21 Emily Harris F FR 35 1 0 1 2/4 0 0 0 -18 19 27 0 0 0 2/4 0 0 0 -18 14 35 1 0 1
14 Victoria Løvdal D SO 6 0 1 1   0 0 0 -1 2 4 0 0 0   0 0 0 -2 0 38 0 1 1
19 Emily Stegora F SO 4 0 0 0   0 0 0 -1 0 4 0 0 0   0 0 0 -1 0 36 0 0 0
34 Kathryn Bidulka G SO 6 0 0 0   0 0 0 -10 0 5 0 0 0   0 0 0 -10 0 6 0 0 0
9 Megan Berg F FR 21 0 0 0 1/2 0 0 0 -7 3 15 0 0 0   0 0 0 -9 2 21 0 0 0
30 Brianna Quade G JR 35 0 0 0   0 0 0 -50 0 27 0 0 0   0 0 0 -48 0 48 0 0 0
  Bench         2/4                   1/2          
Minnesota State Totals 36 55 88 143 121/253 12 1 3 -63 736 28 41 65 106 88/176 11 1 0 -61 542
Opponent Totals 36 137 232 369 108/219 31 7 29 +63 1251 28 116 196 312 82/167 25 6 25 +61 1000
## Goaltending (Overall) YR GP Minutes GA Saves Shots Save% GAA Record Win% GS SO %Time
30 Brianna Quade JR 35 2031:44 116 1031 1147 .899 3.433-28-3.132 34 1 92.9%
34 Kathryn Bidulka SO 6 147:04 17 83 100 .830 6.940-1-1.250 2 0 6.7%
    Open Net 14 9:23 4   4             0.4%
Minnesota State Totals 36 2188:11 137 1114 1251 .890 3.763-29-4.139 36 1100.0%
Opponent Totals 36 2188:11 55 681 736 .925 1.5129-3-4.861 36 7100.0%
## Goaltending (Conference Only) YR GP Minutes GA Saves Shots Save% GAA Record Win% GS SO %Time
30 Brianna Quade JR 27 1561:53 95 807 902 .895 3.650-24-2.038 26 0 91.7%
34 Kathryn Bidulka SO 5 132:05 17 77 94 .819 7.720-1-1.250 2 0 7.8%
    Open Net 13 9:13 4   4             0.5%
Minnesota State Totals 28 1703:11 116 884 1000 .884 4.090-25-3.054 28 0100.0%
Opponent Totals 28 1703:11 41 501 542 .924 1.4425-0-3.946 28 5100.0%
## Goaltending (Career) YR GP Minutes GA Saves Shots Save% GAA Record Win% GS SO
30 Brianna Quade JR 48 2630:15166 1426 1592 .896 3.794-36-3 .128 43 1
34 Kathryn Bidulka SO 6 147:04 17 83 100 .830 6.940-1-1 .250 2 0
Special Teams Overall Conference Only
Power Play Penalty Kill Combined PPC/G Power Play Penalty Kill Combined PPC/G
Minnesota State 12/100 .120 80/111 .721 92/211 .436 2.8 11/ 76 .145 56/ 81 .691 67/157 .427 2.7
Opponents 31/111 .279 88/100 .880 119/211 .564 3.1 25/ 81 .309 65/ 76 .855 90/157 .573 2.9
Scoring/Shots Overall Scoring Overall Shots Conference Scoring Conference Shots
1st 2nd 3rd OT TOT 1st 2nd 3rd OT SOG 1st 2nd 3rd OT TOT 1st 2nd 3rd OT SOG
Minnesota State22 13 20 0 55 221 269 234 12 736 14 11 16 0 41 165 198 171 8 542
Opponents44 38 53 2 137 402 409 430 10 1251 39 33 42 2 116 315 320 356 9 1000
Difference-22 -25 -33 -2 -82 -181 -140 -196 +2 -515 -25 -22 -26 -2 -75 -150 -122 -185 -1 -458
Game Averages Overall Conference Only
Minnesota State 1.53 2.44 3.97 20.4 3.4 7.0 0.3 1.46 2.32 3.79 19.4 3.1 6.3 0.4
Opponents 3.81 6.44 10.25 34.8 3.0 6.1 0.9 4.14 7.00 11.14 35.7 2.9 6.0 0.9
Difference -2.28 -4.00 -6.28 -14.3 +0.4 +0.9 -0.5 -2.68 -4.68 -7.36 -16.4 +0.2 +0.3 -0.5
Situational Records Overall Situational Records Conference
Location Home: 18 2-13- 3 Away: 18 1-16- 1 Neutral: 0 0- 0- 0 Location Home: 14 0-12- 2 Away: 14 0-13- 1 Neutral: 0 0- 0- 0
End 1st Ahead: 7 3- 3- 1 Behind: 17 0-15- 2 Even: 12 0-11- 1 End 1st Ahead: 4 0- 3- 1 Behind: 15 0-13- 2 Even: 9 0- 9- 0
End 2nd Ahead: 3 2- 1- 0 Behind: 25 0-23- 2 Even: 8 1- 5- 2 End 2nd Ahead: 1 0- 1- 0 Behind: 23 0-21- 2 Even: 4 0- 3- 1
Margin 1: 10 1- 9 2: 9 1- 8 3+: 13 1-12 Margin 1: 8 0- 8 2: 7 0- 7 3+: 10 0-10
First Goal For: 12 3- 8- 1 Against: 24 0-21- 3   First Goal For: 7 0- 6- 1 Against: 21 0-19- 2  

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