Franklin Pierce (FPU) at Stonehill (STN)
Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014
Conference Game
Attendance: 130
Start Time: 3:30 pm  End Time: 5:44 pm  Total Time: 2:14

Scoring by Period - FPU 0-1-1=2; STN 1-1-3=5

1st Period
Scoring - 1, STN Brian Higgins/2 (Kevin Aufiero/2, Robbie Dorgan/4) 0:42
Penalties - Kevin Aufiero, STN (Holding) 9:38; Taylor Fletcher, FPU (Interference) 9:45; Brendan FitzPatrick, FPU (5-Interference) 18:59

2nd Period
Scoring - 2, FPU Blake Manginell/1 (Jonathan Lee/2) 7:58
3, STN Thomas DePoalo/1 (Kevin Aufiero/3, Brendan Greene/5) 10:15 (PP)
Penalties - Brendan Glynn, FPU (Tripping) 8:41; Brendan FitzPatrick, FPU (Slashing) 9:00; Connor Mauro, FPU (Contact to the Head) 10:55; Brendan FitzPatrick, FPU (Interference) 19:41; Matthew Geib, FPU (10-Misconduct) 19:41

3rd Period
Scoring - 4, STN Kevin Aufiero/3 (Connor Tedesco/1) 9:52 (GW)
5, FPU Connor Mauro/2 17:18
6, STN Kevin Aufiero/4 (Brian Higgins/1, Connor Fallon/2) 18:59 (EN)
7, STN Dan Graham/1 (Richard Harris/2, Brian Furey/1) 19:42
Penalties - Taylor Fletcher, FPU (Roughing) 4:56; Robbie Dorgan, STN (Roughing) 4:56; Connor Mauro, FPU (Roughing) 13:01; Thomas Jenkins, STN (Roughing) 13:01; Connor Fallon, STN (Interference) 14:02

Franklin Pierce Goaltending - Étienne Roy (59:39, 42 shots, 38 saves, 4 GA); Empty Net (0:21, 1 GA)

Stonehill Goaltending - Matthew Palella (60:00, 28 shots, 26 saves, 2 GA)

Win - Matthew Palella, STN (1-1-0). Loss - Étienne Roy, FPU (1-1-0).

Shots On Goal - FPU 3-8-17=28; STN 19-12-12=43

Power Plays - FPU 0 of 2; STN 1 of 6

Penalties - FPU 9 (29 min); STN 4 (8 min)

New Records - Stonehill 3-2-1, Franklin Pierce 1-5-0

Referees: Joe Testa, Bryan Moran  Linesmen: Casey Terreri, Jared Waitt

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