Minnesota State Mavericks (Men)
 2014-2015 Team Statistics
 2014-2015 Schedule & Results
 2014-2015 Roster
 2014-2015 Team Statistics (Text)
 2013-2014 Team Statistics

Scoring Overall - 40 GP (29-8-3 .762) Conference Only - 28 GP (21-4-3 .804) Career
18 Matt Leitner F SR 40 9 32 41 4/8 6 1 0 +18 78 28 7 25 32 2/4 4 1 0 +14 60 158 49113162
9 Bryce Gervais F JR 40 27 9 36 9/18 9 2 5 +11 123 28 20 5 25 8/16 8 2 4 +10 87 122 51 24 75
6 Casey Nelson D SO 40 7 26 33 8/16 4 0 2 +19 86 28 5 17 22 5/10 3 0 1 +14 67 59 8 30 38
19 Brad McClure F FR 39 15 14 29 5/10 5 0 4 +11 122 27 6 10 16 3/6 1 0 0 +7 85 39 15 14 29
7 Zach Palmquist D SR 40 8 21 29 10/20 4 0 1 +12 81 28 5 16 21 7/14 3 0 1 +17 46 160 25 71 96
23 Teddy Blueger (PIT) F JR 37 10 18 28 13/26 4 1 3 +9 103 25 9 12 21 6/12 3 1 3 +12 75 114 20 53 73
15 C.J. Franklin (WPG) F FR 37 9 19 28 9/21 2 0 2 +17 75 25 4 16 20 4/8 0 0 1 +14 46 37 9 19 28
12 Jean-Paul Lafontaine F SR 36 6 18 24 5/10 4 0 1 +5 81 25 5 12 17 3/6 3 0 1 +5 55 156 48 79127
26 Dylan Margonari F JR 35 14 4 18 14/39 3 0 4 +3 59 23 9 2 11 10/31 2 0 4 E 41 113 32 22 54
28 Jon Jutzi D JR 21 3 11 14 4/19 2 0 0 +14 31 14 1 5 6 4/19 0 0 0 +6 21 103 4 25 29
16 Jordan Nelson F SO 36 4 9 13 9/29 0 0 0 +14 50 24 2 5 7 7/25 0 0 0 +10 35 63 9 10 19
21 Chase Grant F SR 40 7 5 12 26/71 0 0 0 +7 57 28 3 4 7 17/45 0 0 0 +5 38 160 31 37 68
25 Zach Stepan (NSH) F SO 34 3 9 12 6/12 1 0 0 +6 59 24 3 4 7 5/10 1 0 0 +7 39 69 12 21 33
11 Sean Flanagan D SO 33 0 12 12 3/6 0 0 0 +9 42 23 0 7 7 1/2 0 0 0 +2 26 66 6 21 27
24 Brett Knowles F JR 30 7 4 11 9/43 1 0 2 +2 52 22 6 2 8 9/43 1 0 2 +1 41 108 13 17 30
8 Max Gaede (SJS) F SR 40 5 5 10 5/10 2 0 0 +10 66 28 3 4 7 4/8 1 0 0 +7 51 152 11 26 37
5 Carter Foguth D SO 40 3 6 9 14/36 0 0 2 +13 17 28 3 6 9 11/30 0 0 2 +16 11 72 3 8 11
17 Michael Huntebrinker F SO 24 2 7 9 8/16 1 0 0 -2 54 20 2 4 6 8/16 1 0 0 -5 45 44 4 8 12
27 Brett Stern D SR 40 3 5 8 20/48 0 0 2 +8 54 28 3 2 5 14/36 0 0 2 +4 41 137 6 18 24
3 Blake Thompson D JR 25 1 6 7 7/14 0 0 0 +3 27 20 1 5 6 5/10 0 0 0 +2 21 39 1 8 9
10 Zeb Knutson F FR 9 2 1 3 1/2 1 0 1 -5 13 6 1 1 2 1/2 0 0 0 -1 10 9 2 1 3
35 Stephon Williams (NYI) G JR 35 0 1 1 4/8 0 0 0 +35 0 26 0 0 0 3/6 0 0 0 +27 0 82 0 1 1
22 Jaden Schmeisser D FR 3 0 0 0 2/4 0 0 0 +1 1 1 0 0 0   0 0 0 E 1 3 0 0 0
34 Cole Huggins G SO 9 0 0 0   0 0 0 +8 0 5 0 0 0   0 0 0 +5 0 43 0 1 1
  Bench         5/10                   3/6          
Minnesota State Totals 40 145 242 387 200/496 49 4 29 +39 1331 28 98 164 262 140/365 31 4 21 +31 942
Opponent Totals 40 77 123 200 246/599 20 7 8 -39 865 28 47 77 124 170/411 11 4 4 -31 604
## Goaltending (Overall) YR GP Minutes GA Saves Shots Save% GAA Record Win% GS SO %Time
35 Stephon Williams (NYI) JR 35 1999:15 55 680 735 .925 1.6525-6-3.779 33 5 82.6%
34 Cole Huggins SO 9 407:34 17 108 125 .864 2.504-2-0.667 7 1 16.8%
    Open Net 13 13:33 5   5             0.6%
Minnesota State Totals 40 2420:22 77 788 865 .911 1.9129-8-3.762 40 6100.0%
Opponent Totals 40 2420:22 145 1186 1331 .891 3.598-29-3.238 40 0100.0%
## Goaltending (Conference Only) YR GP Minutes GA Saves Shots Save% GAA Record Win% GS SO %Time
35 Stephon Williams (NYI) JR 26 1474:06 38 496 534 .929 1.5518-4-3.780 25 4 86.8%
34 Cole Huggins SO 5 219:53 7 61 68 .897 1.913-0-01.000 3 0 12.9%
    Open Net 9 4:00 2   2             0.2%
Minnesota State Totals 28 1697:59 47 557 604 .922 1.6621-4-3.804 28 4100.0%
Opponent Totals 28 1697:59 98 844 942 .896 3.464-21-3.196 28 0100.0%
## Goaltending (Career) YR GP Minutes GA Saves Shots Save% GAA Record Win% GS SO
35 Stephon Williams (NYI) JR 82 4637:39155 1706 1861 .917 2.0151-24-5 .669 79 10
34 Cole Huggins SO 43 2287:42 76 850 926 .918 1.9925-10-1 .708 36 7
Special Teams Overall Conference Only
Power Play Penalty Kill Combined PPC/G Power Play Penalty Kill Combined PPC/G
Minnesota State 49/202 .243 133/153 .869 182/355 .513 5.1 31/135 .230 92/103 .893 123/238 .517 4.8
Opponents 20/153 .131 153/202 .757 173/355 .487 3.8 11/103 .107 104/135 .770 115/238 .483 3.7
Scoring/Shots Overall Scoring Overall Shots Conference Scoring Conference Shots
1st 2nd 3rd OT TOT 1st 2nd 3rd OT SOG 1st 2nd 3rd OT TOT 1st 2nd 3rd OT SOG
Minnesota State40 48 56 1 145 442 445 436 8 1331 28 27 43 0 98 322 307 308 5 942
Opponents22 29 25 1 77 275 279 300 11 865 13 17 16 1 47 194 179 223 8 604
Difference+18 +19 +31 +0 +68 +167 +166 +136 -3 +466 +15 +10 +27 -1 +51 +128 +128 +85 -3 +338
Game Averages Overall Conference Only
Minnesota State 3.62 6.05 9.68 33.3 5.0 12.4 1.2 3.50 5.86 9.36 33.6 5.0 13.0 1.1
Opponents 1.93 3.08 5.00 21.6 6.2 15.0 0.5 1.68 2.75 4.43 21.6 6.1 14.7 0.4
Difference +1.70 +2.98 +4.67 +11.7 -1.1 -2.6 +0.7 +1.82 +3.11 +4.93 +12.1 -1.1 -1.6 +0.7
Situational Records Overall Situational Records Conference
Location Home: 18 15- 2- 1 Away: 17 11- 4- 2 Neutral: 5 3- 2- 0 Location Home: 14 12- 1- 1 Away: 14 9- 3- 2 Neutral: 0 0- 0- 0
End 1st Ahead: 24 20- 1- 3 Behind: 7 2- 5- 0 Even: 9 7- 2- 0 End 1st Ahead: 18 15- 0- 3 Behind: 3 1- 2- 0 Even: 7 5- 2- 0
End 2nd Ahead: 23 22- 1- 0 Behind: 7 4- 3- 0 Even: 10 3- 4- 3 End 2nd Ahead: 16 15- 1- 0 Behind: 4 3- 1- 0 Even: 8 3- 2- 3
Margin 1: 6 4- 2 2: 12 8- 4 3+: 19 17- 2 Margin 1: 4 3- 1 2: 7 5- 2 3+: 14 13- 1
First Goal For: 27 21- 3- 3 Against: 13 8- 5- 0   First Goal For: 20 16- 1- 3 Against: 8 5- 3- 0  

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