Morrisville Mustangs (Men)
2009-2010 Numerical Roster 
(25 Players)
2009-2010 Team Statistics
2009-2010 Schedule & Results
2008-2009 Roster

#NameYr / PosHeightWeightS/CYOBHometown / Last Team
#1Caylin RelkoffJR G6-2200L Grand Forks, British Columbia / Huntsville Muskoka Otters (OPJ
#2Chris CerbinoFR F6-2205R Highland, New York / Canterbury School (NEPSAC)
#3John WatkinsFR D5-9175L Canton, Michigan / Yellowstone Quake (NORPAC)
#4Tom LonglandSO D6-0185L Dunnville, Ontario / Pickering Panthers (OPJHL)
#5Jonathan CristiniSO F6-2195R Mississauga, Ontario / Stouffville Spirit (OPJHL)
#7Geoff MatzelSO F5-7165L Chittenango, New York / National Sports Academy(NEPSAC
#8Rafal PlonskiFR F/D5-11185L Warsaw, Poland / Puget Sound Tomahawks (NORPAC)
#9Stefan CarnegieSR F5-6160R Woodbridge, Ontario / Bradford Rattlers (GMHL)
#10Dana CalderoneSR F6-3180R Bronx, New York / Connecticut Wolves (AtJHL)
#12Dave ShultzJR F6-1195R Trucksville, Pennsylvania / New England Huskies (EJHL)
#15Adam HerculesFR F6-3195L Toronto, Ontario / Winchendon School (NEPSAC)
#16Rob SgarbossaJR F5-9175L Campbellville, Ontario / Georgetown Raiders (OPJHL)
#18Nick KulasJR F6-2200R Parma, Michigan / North Bay Skyhawks (NOJHL)
#19Matt SalmonFR F5-10175L Orillia, Ontario / Couchiching Terriers (OPJHL)
#20G.I. MainFR D6-3195R Ottawa, Ontario / Stoney Creek Warriors (GOJHL)
#21Joakim CedinSR F6-0215L Spanga, Sweden / Puget Sound Tomahawks (NORPAC)
#22Kyle RobertsSR D5-11180R Whitesboro, New York / Wellington Dukes (OPJHL)
#23Ivan OliinykFR F5-10175L Kiev, Ukraine / Boston Bulldogs (AtJHL)
#24Derek MathesonJR D6-4200L Durham, Ontario / St. Mary's Lincoln (GOJHL)
#25Andrew AlarieSR F5-8180R Carlisle, Ontario / Oshawa Legionaires (OPJHL)
#27Alex TillaartFR D6-2195L Ashburn, Ontario / Port Hope Predators (OPJHL)
#28Bobby CassJR F5-9170R Burlington, Ontario / Welland Canadians (GOJHL)
#30Matt TreadwellSO G5-10190L King City, Ontario / Innisfil Lakers (GMHL)
#33Dave LabaffJR G5-10185L Potsdam, New York / South Grenville Rangers
#35Mike WillSO G6-4185L Lewes, England / Bradford Rattlers (GMHL)

Captain: Andrew Alarie
Assistant Captains: Dana Calderone, Derek Matheson

Head Coach: Brian Grady (Hamilton College '00)
Career Record (Entering 2009-2010): 10-39-1 (.210) (2 Seasons)
Record at Morrisville (Entering 2009-2010): 10-39-1 (.210) (2 Seasons)

Assistant Coach: Kevin Krogol (Utica College '07)
Assistant Coach: Ted Fauss (Clarkson University '83)

Morrisville Mustangs (Men)
2009-2010 Alphabetical Roster 
(25 Players)
2009-2010 Team Statistics
2009-2010 Schedule & Results
2008-2009 Roster

#NameYr / PosHeightWeightS/CYOBHometown / Last Team
#25Andrew AlarieSR F5-8180R Carlisle, Ontario / Oshawa Legionaires (OPJHL)
#10Dana CalderoneSR F6-3180R Bronx, New York / Connecticut Wolves (AtJHL)
#9Stefan CarnegieSR F5-6160R Woodbridge, Ontario / Bradford Rattlers (GMHL)
#28Bobby CassJR F5-9170R Burlington, Ontario / Welland Canadians (GOJHL)
#21Joakim CedinSR F6-0215L Spanga, Sweden / Puget Sound Tomahawks (NORPAC)
#2Chris CerbinoFR F6-2205R Highland, New York / Canterbury School (NEPSAC)
#5Jonathan CristiniSO F6-2195R Mississauga, Ontario / Stouffville Spirit (OPJHL)
#15Adam HerculesFR F6-3195L Toronto, Ontario / Winchendon School (NEPSAC)
#18Nick KulasJR F6-2200R Parma, Michigan / North Bay Skyhawks (NOJHL)
#33Dave LabaffJR G5-10185L Potsdam, New York / South Grenville Rangers
#4Tom LonglandSO D6-0185L Dunnville, Ontario / Pickering Panthers (OPJHL)
#20G.I. MainFR D6-3195R Ottawa, Ontario / Stoney Creek Warriors (GOJHL)
#24Derek MathesonJR D6-4200L Durham, Ontario / St. Mary's Lincoln (GOJHL)
#7Geoff MatzelSO F5-7165L Chittenango, New York / National Sports Academy(NEPSAC
#23Ivan OliinykFR F5-10175L Kiev, Ukraine / Boston Bulldogs (AtJHL)
#8Rafal PlonskiFR F/D5-11185L Warsaw, Poland / Puget Sound Tomahawks (NORPAC)
#1Caylin RelkoffJR G6-2200L Grand Forks, British Columbia / Huntsville Muskoka Otters (OPJ
#22Kyle RobertsSR D5-11180R Whitesboro, New York / Wellington Dukes (OPJHL)
#19Matt SalmonFR F5-10175L Orillia, Ontario / Couchiching Terriers (OPJHL)
#16Rob SgarbossaJR F5-9175L Campbellville, Ontario / Georgetown Raiders (OPJHL)
#12Dave ShultzJR F6-1195R Trucksville, Pennsylvania / New England Huskies (EJHL)
#27Alex TillaartFR D6-2195L Ashburn, Ontario / Port Hope Predators (OPJHL)
#30Matt TreadwellSO G5-10190L King City, Ontario / Innisfil Lakers (GMHL)
#3John WatkinsFR D5-9175L Canton, Michigan / Yellowstone Quake (NORPAC)
#35Mike WillSO G6-4185L Lewes, England / Bradford Rattlers (GMHL)

Captain: Andrew Alarie
Assistant Captains: Dana Calderone, Derek Matheson

Head Coach: Brian Grady (Hamilton College '00)
Career Record (Entering 2009-2010): 10-39-1 (.210) (2 Seasons)
Record at Morrisville (Entering 2009-2010): 10-39-1 (.210) (2 Seasons)

Assistant Coach: Kevin Krogol (Utica College '07)
Assistant Coach: Ted Fauss (Clarkson University '83)

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