Sunday, October 23, 2005
Colgate (CLG) at Providence (PRV)
Non-Conference Game

Final Score: Providence 4, Colgate 1
New Records: Providence 1-1-1, Colgate 0-2-2

Referee: Danyel Howard
Assistant Referees: Anthony Petone, Robin Taylor
Attendance: 276
Start Time: 2:00 pm  End Time: 4:20 pm  Total Time: 2:20

 Score By Periods  1st 2nd 3rd Final   Power Plays
 Colgate  0 0 1 1    Colgate  1 / 7 (.143) 
 Providence  1 0 3 4    Providence  2 / 7 (.286) 
 Shots On Goal  1st 2nd 3rd Total   Penalties/Minutes SHGF 
 Colgate  12 10 10 32    Colgate  8 / 16 0 
 Providence  13 13 12 38    Providence  8 / 16 1 

Colgate Lineup
LW 20 Allison Paiano  0-1-1  8   C 22 Becky Irvine  0-0-0  3   RW 16 Ruth Fish  1-0-1  6
LW 11 Elin Brown  0-0-0  3   C 17 Sam Hunt  0-0-0  1   RW 21 Ashley Bradford  0-0-0  3
LW 24 Cassie Reid  0-0-0  1   C 19 Carly McNaughton  0-0-0  1   RW 9 Lisa Dodd  0-0-0  0
LW 2 Ashley Johnston  0-0-0  0    
LD 10 Clancy Todd  0-0-0  0   RD 4 Tara French  0-1-1  3   G 1 Melanie Barclay  0-0-0  0
LD 8 Kate Wolgemuth  0-0-0  1   RD 15 Mallory Johnston  0-0-0  2   G 29 Elayna Hamashuk  0-0-0  0
LD 12 Laura Jansen  0-0-0  0     G 30 Brook Wheeler  0-0-0  0
Providence Lineup
LW 20 Karen Thatcher  1-1-2  6/+1   C 9 Ashley Payton  0-0-0  6/E   RW 8 Sonny Watrous  1-1-2  3/+1
LW 13 Kelli Doolin  0-1-1  1/+1   C 22 Rachel Crissy  0-0-0  4/+1   RW 19 Katelynn Laffin  2-0-2  4/+1
LW 14 Jenna Keilch  0-0-0  4/E   C 21 Brittney Lomond  0-0-0  1/E   RW 24 Cherie Hendrickson  0-0-0  0/E
LW 11 Maura Grainger  0-0-0  1/E   C 16 Katy Beach  0-0-0  0/E   RW 7 Stephanie Morris  0-0-0  1/E
LD 4 Kathleen Smith  0-1-1  3/+1   RD 26 Brittany Simpson  0-0-0  2/E   G 27 Jana Bugden  0-0-0  0
LD 2 Meredith George  0-0-0  0/E   RD 18 Kristin Gigliotti  0-1-1  1/+1   G 31 Lauren Florio  0-0-0  0
LD 6 Erin Normore  0-1-1  0/+1   RD 10 Caitlin Malboeuf  0-0-0  1/+1   G 33 Stacey Scott  0-0-0  0

 Goals  Scoring/Penalties   Time 

 1st Period (20:00) 
 PRV-1 Kristin Gigliotti (2-Interference) CLG 0x1 4:05 
 CLG-1 Sam Hunt (2-Interference) PRV 0x1 7:59 
 CLG-2 Tara French (2-Hooking) PRV 0x2 13:00 
 CLG-3 Sam Hunt (2-Hitting from Behind) PRV 0x3 17:24 
 CLG-4 Allison Paiano (2-Hooking) PRV 1x4 18:01 
 PRV  1 - 6x5 PP  LL  Katelynn Laffin (1) (Kristin Gigliotti, Kathleen Smith) 19:26 
 PRV: 19,18,4,20,22,G27   CLG: 4,17,19,10,G30

 2nd Period (20:00) 
 PRV-2 Katy Beach (2-Checking) CLG 0x2 2:11 
 CLG-5 Becky Irvine (2-Hitting from Behind) 13:41 
 CLG-6 Mallory Johnston (2-Hitting after the Whistle) PRV 1x5 13:41 
 PRV-3 Katelynn Laffin (2-Hitting after the Whistle) 13:41 
 PRV-4 BENCH (2-Too Many Players) CLG 0x3 17:46 

 3rd Period (20:00) 
 CLG-7 Tara French (2-Hooking) PRV 1x6 0:24 
 PRV-5 Kristin Gigliotti (2-Holding the Stick) CLG 0x4 4:39 
 CLG-8 Kate Wolgemuth (2-Holding the Stick) PRV 2x7 9:27 
 PRV  2 - 6x5 PP  GW  Sonny Watrous (2) (Karen Thatcher, Erin Normore) 10:00 
 PRV: 8,20,6,9,18,G27   CLG: 4,20,22,15,G30
 PRV-6 Erin Normore (2-Checking) CLG 0x5 10:22 
 PRV  3 - 5x6 SH  Karen Thatcher (1) (Sonny Watrous) 12:15 
 PRV (+): 20,8,10,18,G27
 PRV-7 Caitlin Malboeuf (2-Checking) CLG 0x6 12:57 
 PRV-8 Katy Beach (2-Interference) CLG 1x7 16:32 
 CLG  1 - 6x5 PP  Ruth Fish (2) (Allison Paiano, Tara French) 17:43 
 CLG: 16,20,24,22,4,G30   PRV: 21,10,18,19,G27
 PRV  4 - 6x6  Katelynn Laffin (2) (Kelli Doolin) 18:41 
 PRV (+): 19,13,22,6,4,G27   CLG (-): 19,9,8,15,24,G30

 End of Game 

 Colgate Goaltending  1st 2nd 3rd Total Minutes GA
 Brook Wheeler (L, 0-2-2)  12 13 9 34 60:00 4
 Providence Goaltending  1st 2nd 3rd Total Minutes GA
 Jana Bugden (W, 1-1-1)  12 10 9 31 60:00 1

First Star: Katelynn Laffin (Providence)
Second Star: Karen Thatcher (Providence)
Third Star: Sonny Watrous (Providence)

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