Goals |
Scoring/Penalties |
Time |
1st Period (20:00) |
MIA-1 Nino Musitelli (2-Hooking) OSU 0x1 |
4:33 |
OSU-1 Johann Kroll (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) |
7:10 |
OSU-2 Matt McIlvane (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) |
7:10 |
OSU-3 Zach Pelletier (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) |
7:10 |
OSU-4 Bryce Anderson (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) |
7:10 |
OSU-5 Jason DeSantis (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) |
7:10 |
MIA-2 Taylor Hustead (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) |
7:10 |
MIA-3 Kevin Roeder (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) |
7:10 |
MIA-4 Geoff Smith (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) |
7:10 |
MIA-5 Stephen Dennis (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) |
7:10 |
MIA-6 Brad Robbins (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) |
7:10 |
OSU-6 Rod Pelley (2-Hooking) MIA 0x1 |
9:27 |
MIA-7 Brad Robbins (2-Holding) OSU 0x2 |
13:38 |
OSU-7 Andrew Schembri (2-Interference) MIA 0x2 |
13:59 |
MIA-8 Marty Guerin (2-Slashing) OSU 0x3 |
16:34 |
OSU-8 Rod Pelley (2-O-HOLDING) MIA 0x3 |
17:20 |
2nd Period (20:00) |
OSU-9 Andrew Schembri (2-Slashing) |
0:02 |
MIA-9 Marty Guerin (2-Slashing) |
0:02 |
MIA-10 Nino Musitelli (5-Checking from Behind) (Served by Joe Cooper) OSU 0x4 |
3:53 |
MIA-11 Nino Musitelli (10-Game Misconduct) (Served by Joe Cooper) |
3:53 |
OSU-10 Sean Collins (2-O-HOOKING) |
4:36 |
OSU-11 Kyle Hood (2-Cross-Checking) MIA 0x4 |
4:36 |
1 |
- |
0 |
5x6 SH |
LL |
Ryan Jones (2) (Chris Michael, Andy Greene) |
6:36 |
| MIA (+): 20,23,25,26,G1 OSU (-): 7,5,21,27,13,G1 |
MIA-12 Raymond Eichenlaub (2-Goaltender Interference) OSU 0x5 |
10:15 |
2 |
- |
0 |
5x6 SH |
GW |
Nathan Davis (1) (Justin Mercier, Mitch Ganzak) |
11:11 |
| MIA (+): 17,16,23,25,G1 OSU (-): 8,19,5,26,7,G1 |
MIA-13 Kevin Roeder (2-CTH ELBOWING) OSU 0x6 |
13:31 |
OSU-12 Matt Waddell (2-Interference) MIA 0x5 |
15:53 |
1 |
- |
2 |
5x6 SH |
Mathieu Beaudoin (1) (Nate Guenin, Kenny Bernard) |
17:07 |
| OSU (+): 26,2,14,27,G1 MIA (-): 20,8,25,23,11,G1 |
OSU-13 Nate Guenin (2-Slashing) MIA 0x6 |
18:18 |
3rd Period (20:00) |
OSU-14 Jason DeSantis (2-Tripping) MIA 0x7 |
5:44 |
OSU-15 Domenic Maiani (2-Roughing) |
10:51 |
MIA-14 Matt Davis (2-Slashing) |
10:51 |
3 |
- |
1 |
5x5 |
DP |
Ryan Jones (3) (Mitch Ganzak, Andy Greene) |
11:27 |
| MIA (+): 26,25,23,17,1 OSU (-): 2,5,13,19,G1 |
OSU-16 Bryce Anderson (5-Checking from Behind) (Served by Kyle Hood) MIA 0x8 |
11:27 |
OSU-17 Bryce Anderson (10-Game Misconduct) (Served by Kyle Hood) |
11:27 |
Timeout - Ohio State |
13:25 |
MIA-15 Ryan Jones (2-Hooking) |
14:03 |
OSU-18 Dave Barton (2-Holding the Stick) |
15:12 |
OSU-19 Dave Barton (10-Misconduct) (Served by Zach Pelletier) |
15:12 |
MIA-16 Justin Mercier (2-Hooking) |
15:12 |
OSU-20 Nate Guenin (10-Misconduct) |
15:59 |
MIA-17 Kevin Roeder (2-CTH ROUGHING) OSU 0x7 |
15:59 |
OSU-21 Domenic Maiani (2-Checking from Behind) MIA 0x9 |
19:05 |
OSU-22 Matt Waddell (2-ROUGHING ATW) |
19:35 |
MIA-18 Ryan Jones (2-ROUGHING ATW) |
19:35 |
OSU-23 Matt McIlvane (10-Misconduct) |
20:00 |
OSU-24 Zach Pelletier (10-Misconduct) |
20:00 |
OSU-25 Tyson Strachan (10-Misconduct) |
20:00 |
MIA-19 Taylor Hustead (10-Misconduct) |
20:00 |
MIA-20 Brad Robbins (10-Misconduct) |
20:00 |
MIA-21 Joe Cooper (10-Misconduct) |
20:00 |
End of Game |