Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Toronto Rattlers (TRT) at Lawrence (LAW)
Exhibition Game

Final Score: Toronto Rattlers 5, Lawrence 3

Referee: Dave King
Assistant Referees: Bob Lueck, Brian VanAlstine
Attendance: 102
Start Time: 7:30 pm  End Time: 9:45 pm  Total Time: 2:15

 Score By Periods  1st 2nd 3rd Final   Power Plays
 Toronto Rattlers  2 1 2 5    Toronto Rattlers  2 / 14 (.143) 
 Lawrence  1 0 2 3    Lawrence  1 / 12 (.083) 
 Shots On Goal  1st 2nd 3rd Total   Penalties/Minutes SHGF 
 Toronto Rattlers  8 7 6 21    Toronto Rattlers  19 / 52 0 
 Lawrence  15 8 15 38    Lawrence  20 / 59 0 

Toronto Rattlers Players
5 Pascal Zurcher  0-0-0   15 Martin Valasek  0-2-2   81 Mike Timms  0-0-0
6 Adam Copland  0-0-0   16 John Oricco  0-0-0   87 Ed Soto  0-0-0
7 Kiril Tulupov  1-0-1   21 Martin Foldyna  3-1-4   88 Sebastian Gulder  0-1-1
12 D.J. Whittaker  0-0-0   55 Nakita Vasiliev  0-0-0   91 Mark Skocylak  0-0-0
13 Nemanja Jankovic  0-1-1   57 Will Scott  1-1-2   97 Stefan Carnegie  0-2-2
14 Wil Roberts  0-1-1   75 Dave Velich  0-0-0   98 Jiri Zeman  0-0-0
G 32 James Soileau  0-0-0   G 44 Justin Hogsden  0-0-0   G 92 Henri Buysse  0-0-0
Lawrence Players
2 Evan Thornton  1-0-1   9 Josh Peterson  0-0-0   19 Brian Kennihan  0-0-0
3 Pete Mossberg  0-0-0   10 Nick Jennette  0-0-0   22 Chris Lawson  0-0-0
4 Joe MacDonald  0-0-0   13 Andy Link  0-0-0   23 Joe Searl  1-0-1
5 Jesse Jacobs  0-0-0   15 Peter Stafford  0-2-2   24 Blake Royle  0-0-0
6 Neil Wallace  0-0-0   17 Mason Oakes  0-0-0   25 Mitch Sabo  1-0-1
8 Charlie Ward  0-0-0   18 Kalle Larsson  0-0-0   26 Aaron LaFave  0-0-0
G 30 Andrew Litchfield  0-1-1   G 33 Andrew Isaac  0-0-0   G 98 Daniel Ljung  0-0-0

 Goals  Scoring/Penalties   Time 

 1st Period (20:00) 
 TRT-1 Adam Copland (2-Holding) LAW 1x1 1:30 
 LAW  1 - 6x5 PP  Joe Searl (Peter Stafford) 1:37 
 TRT-2 D.J. Whittaker (2-Holding) LAW 1x2 5:47 
 TRT-3 Ed Soto (2-Interference) LAW 1x3 6:27 
 TRT-4 Nemanja Jankovic (2-Interference) LAW 1x4 9:25 
 LAW-1 Joe MacDonald (2-Interference) TRT 1x1 11:41 
 TRT  1 - 6x5 PP  Martin Foldyna (Stefan Carnegie, Martin Valasek) 11:52 
 LAW-2 Pete Mossberg (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) TRT 2x2 12:36 
 LAW-3 Mitch Sabo (2-Cross-Checking) TRT 2x3 13:03 
 TRT  2 - 6x4 PP  LL  Kiril Tulupov (Will Scott, Wil Roberts) 14:15 
 TRT-5 Jiri Zeman (2-Tripping) LAW 1x5 16:15 

 2nd Period (20:00) 
 TRT-6 Wil Roberts (2-Interference) LAW 1x6 1:13 
 TRT-7 D.J. Whittaker (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) LAW 1x7 1:13 
 LAW-4 Mitch Sabo (2-Hooking) TRT 2x4 3:30 
 TRT-8 Kiril Tulupov (2-Interference) LAW 1x8 5:23 
 LAW-5 Kalle Larsson (2-Elbowing) TRT 2x5 8:35 
 LAW-6 Kalle Larsson (2-Hitting from Behind) TRT 2x6 8:35 
 LAW-7 Peter Stafford (2-Hooking) TRT 2x7 9:17 
 LAW-8 Nick Jennette (2-Tripping) TRT 2x8 11:58 
 TRT-9 Kiril Tulupov (2-High-Sticking) 16:42 
 LAW-9 Andy Link (2-High-Sticking) 16:42 
 TRT  3 - 5x5  Martin Foldyna (Martin Valasek) 17:06 
 LAW-10 Mitch Sabo (2-High-Sticking) TRT 2x9 18:16 
 LAW-11 Joe Searl (2-Hooking) TRT 2x10 19:22 

 3rd Period (20:00) 
 TRT-10 D.J. Whittaker (2-Holding) 1:58 
 LAW-12 Mitch Sabo (2-Holding) 1:58 
 LAW-13 Evan Thornton (2-Hooking) TRT 2x11 2:12 
 TRT-11 Adam Copland (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) 7:23 
 LAW-14 Evan Thornton (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) 7:23 
 TRT-12 Martin Foldyna (2-Cross-Checking) LAW 1x9 7:55 
 TRT-13 Sebastian Gulder (2-Cross-Checking) LAW 1x10 9:50 
 LAW-15 Charlie Ward (2-Hooking) TRT 2x12 10:14 
 TRT-14 Nemanja Jankovic (2-Slashing) LAW 1x11 13:25 
 LAW-16 Josh Peterson (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) TRT 2x13 13:51 
 LAW  2 - 5x5  Mitch Sabo (Peter Stafford, Andrew Litchfield) 14:14 
 TRT-15 BENCH (2-Too Many Players) (Served by Nemanja Jankovic) LAW 1x12 15:37 
 TRT  4 - 5x5  HT GW  Martin Foldyna (Sebastian Gulder, Stefan Carnegie) 15:46 
 LAW-17 Andy Link (2-Elbowing) TRT 2x14 15:55 
 TRT  5 - 6x6  EN  Will Scott (Nemanja Jankovic, Martin Foldyna) 18:15 
 TRT-16 Adam Copland (2-Holding) Penalty Shot 19:37 
 LAW  3 - Penalty Shot  Evan Thornton (unassisted) 19:37 
 TRT-17 Kiril Tulupov (5-Fighting) 20:00 
 TRT-18 Kiril Tulupov (5-Facemask) 20:00 
 TRT-19 Kiril Tulupov (10-Game Disqualification) 20:00 
 LAW-18 Mitch Sabo (5-Fighting) 20:00 
 LAW-19 Mitch Sabo (10-Game Disqualification) 20:00 
 LAW-20 Josh Peterson (10-Game Misconduct) 20:00 

 End of Game 

 Toronto Rattlers Goaltending  1st 2nd 3rd Total Minutes GA
 Henri Buysse (W)  14 8 13 35 60:00 3
 Lawrence Goaltending  1st 2nd 3rd Total Minutes GA
 Andrew Isaac  6 0 0 6 20:00 2
 Daniel Ljung  0 6 0 6 20:00 1
 Andrew Litchfield (L)  0 0 4 4 17:20 1
 EMPTY NET  0 0:55 1
 Andrew Litchfield  0 0 0 0 1:22 0
 EMPTY NET  0 0:22 0
 Andrew Litchfield  0 0 0 0 0:01 0

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